What‘s New

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Summer Is Here

June’s menu is here and we have loads of great meals to grill, wrap or toss in a salad.

Blackened Chicken is so versatile.
You can cook it on the stove, oven or BBQ.
Dinner on the table in under 20 minutes?
That’s a win around here for sure!

Blackened chicken is a spicy dry rub that infuses tons of flavor into the meat. The ‘blackened’ part of the chicken is the result of a medley of spices; we use paprika, cayenne pepper, onion powder, pepper, salt, thyme, oregano and basil. We use chicken breast with the skin on for max flavour and juiciness. Place on high heat to give the meat a nice blackened crust on the outside.

Ways to Serve

* Serve sliced on top of your favourite salad
* Slice it up and serve on crusty bread with your favourite veggies as a sandwich
* On its own with a side of roasted veggies and potatoes

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