What‘s New
Summer Kids Cooking Camps at Well Fed!
Still searching for a great kids camp for the aspiring chef in your household? Well Fed is pleased to announce that we will be running 3 weeks of full day kids cooking camps here at the studio!
Our philosophy is simple, teach kids to cook wholesome food from scratch, an essential life skill. Each day in the kitchen we will have a theme such as Japanese Cooking, Breakfast and Jam Making. Our intent is make cooking fun, enjoyable and delicious. Each class will have hands on instruction and with take homes for the end of the day to share with your family. Lunch will be provided.
Time: 9-3 pm
Ages: 8-12 years
To register click on the date that works best for your below:
July 13th-17th (5 days)– $420.00
Aug 4th- 7th (4 days)– $350.00
Aug 10th-14th (5 days)-$420.00
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