What‘s New
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Holiday Events At the Studio!
Get a group together and book your own private event. Perfect for your Staff Christmas Party. Just call or e-mail us at info@wellfedstudio.com or 604-971-4756.
It’s Back Holiday Cookie Ease- Tues Dec 2nd – 6:30- 8:30 pm-ONLY ONE SPACE LEFT
Make your Holiday Cookie Dough with ease and have a great night out!
Make your Holiday Cookie Dough with ease and have a great night out!
Appies and Art Event- Thurs Dec 4th -6:30- 9 pm
Wow this event is going to be awesome. We will have three chefs demonstrating how to cook three fantastic appetizers for the holidays as well as wine! The studio will have goods from local artists from jewelery, painting to great stocking stuffers and more!Chocolate Making Class- Adult and Child-Tues Dec 9th- 5:45-8 pm
New! Hands on instruction from Chef Martina Marshall straight from the famous Hot Chocolates-Chocolate Shop on Vancouver Island!
Wow this event is going to be awesome. We will have three chefs demonstrating how to cook three fantastic appetizers for the holidays as well as wine! The studio will have goods from local artists from jewelery, painting to great stocking stuffers and more!Chocolate Making Class- Adult and Child-Tues Dec 9th- 5:45-8 pm
New! Hands on instruction from Chef Martina Marshall straight from the famous Hot Chocolates-Chocolate Shop on Vancouver Island!
Can’t make to the class you can purchase one of Hot Chocolates, Milk Chocolate Houses that you decorate at home for only $25.00. In my opinion way better than a gingerbread house it’s CHOCOLATE! To order your chocolate house click here. You can pick these up at the studio either on Thurs Dec 4th or Tues Dec 9th from 5-9 pm.
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