What‘s New
New Pricing Coming October 9th!
As of October 9th, 2018 we will be increasing our prices
We work hard to limit changes to our pricing as much as possible. Hence, we have held off a price increase for the past few years. This year we will be passing along a modest price increase. The price increase is directly due to an increase cost in labour, food and transportation. Healthy food is our mandate, we also want to stay healthy as a business to allow us to continue to provide you with the same great service and food you have come to expect from Well Fed in the long run. We truly thank you for your business and entrusting us to provide you and your family with healthy meals.
below are the changes that you can expect to see:
Individual Entree Price (2-3 serving size):
Meat/Seafood: $21.80
Vegetarian: $18.80
Bulk Discount on walk-in/pick up orders:
Order 8+ individual (2-3 serving size)= 4% off total order
Order 16+ individual (2-3 serving size) = 8% off total order
Order 32+ individual (2-3 serving size) = 10% off total order
Delivery Charge – add:
$5 for North Shore
$15 for Vancouver/Burnaby
Private Meal Assembly Classes:
Each participant will be making 6 (4-6 serving size) entrees
Cost: $228 per person
Host receives 10% their portion of the class if they book 8 participants (min), 20% if they book 12 (max)
After the class, participants will receive 4% off purchase from our on-hand stock
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you quickly! 🙂
The Well Fed Team
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